The paintings were created on painter's canvas, using the technique of painting with oil paints. Most often, the canvases glued to the wooden base of the picture were solid and suitable for adding applications if necessary.
The picture frames are original and each one is adapted to the picture and together they represent a complete work. They were created in the author's creative art studio according to the original design. Creativity, originality and longevity contribute to the ultimate visual experience of the image.
As a witness of the time in which I live, absorbing experiences from the past, I am looking for a way to express myself in my painting language. Experiencing time and space as an artist, I shape my experiences, inner turmoil and dilemmas in a special way.
Through the picture, I reflect and explore, I don't define but provoke and look for answers. The strong need to creatively explore and search for answers is like when a blacksmith shapes hot iron with heavy blows and creates a new form. Such a strong emotion is in an artist who constantly strives for new expression.